The elements of my work are process, balance, and a quest for a personal language. The process of seeing and discovering inspires me to create forms and images that capture the essence of our precarious existence on the planet. Through my work I strive to reveal the mystery of humanity’s vital relationship with the environment. "Stargazer" is inspired by the flower, a lily. The three flower like forms look upwards thwards the sun and stars for their life energy. It is my desire to create art that will bring joy. My hope is to continue my mission of spreading beauty, to offer people a sense of hope, and to celebrate our connection with others and the world around us.
106 x 49 x 42
Description of Artwork
"Polaris" is inspired by the North Star, the brightest star in our constellation. It is notable for being the closest bright star to the North Celestial Pole which makes Polaris important for navigation. Whether one is on the open seas or navigating the treacherous path of life, Polaris will help you find your way.